It feels like we have been so busy lately, but if you tried to pin me down on what all we've been up to, I'd be at a loss. I guess LIFE is just busy right now. Meetings and workouts and family and freelance and obligations.
We have done several things to our house, but they are all invisible improvements like a reinforced foundation and a heating and air system. Hopefully our next renovations can be a little more cosmetic as I can't wait to finally have a home that feels lived in. Renovations and HUGE modern daydreams = a slow moving train.
I have a very short attention span for anything physical, but I am trying to stick with a new workout plan. The more and more we talk about kids in the future the more and more I want to go into that adventure with a smaller booty and a stronger body. I got a workout dvd a few months ago that I never really gave a chance. I figure it's a 30 day commitment initially, and I can give that a shot and see what happens.
At the end of the month Josh,me, and hopefully my slightly firmer body are going to Austin to see my family. It's been a year since we've seen them, aside from briefly seeing them in January at my grandpa's funeral. Our trip will be quick, but we are looking forward to it.
Before we know it, it's going to be Christmas and another year altogether. Though busyness leaves us exhausted, we've been having so much fun just doing life together. I don't know if this is just some second year of marriage sweet spot or what, but I sure like it.
1 comment:
Maybe I can borrow that video if we see you guys, since we'll be caring about forty pounds of BBQ in out bellies.
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